Sunday, November 14, 2010

Week 3, Practical lesson

For the first part of the lesson this week, we had to create a suitable search strategy based on our research topic and complete a table on a worksheet with ketwords and variations that we would use.
My research topic is about how early child trauma affects adult behaviors and naturally, words like violent, abuse and beatings came up in my list.
After that, we had to use Google and Google Scholar to search for 2 resources related to my research topic and record the process in a table. I would personally prefer using Google as old habits die hard. Having been a Google user for so many years, naturally using Google is much more convenient and comfortable for me.
For the final part of the lesson, we had to participate in a discussion forum on facebook about how we feel about the Internet. Has the Internet made our lives more complicated?
In my opinion, participating in a disscussion forum is interesting as i can read different comments of other students and give my two cents worth.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Week 2: Pratical Lesson 1, Online shopping

Week 2 of Effective internet research, we r supposed to do a pratictal lesson on online shopping. Each person is given an imginary amount of $500 to spend on anything. I have decided to buy a NiKon Coolpix L110 12 megapix Digital Camera that costs $449.

The purpose of this exercise is to help us learn how to shop online, and to check out the different prices of the products. I also learnt about many different websites that provide online shopping services.
I had an enjoyable experience searching for the products that i want as it allows mi to browse through many different products that i did not know that was available in the market. It gives mi more choices to choose from. This being my first time doing online shopping, it certainly is a new and great experience.


Hi, my name is Jonathan Lim. I am currently studying in Temasek Polytechnic, Diploma in Business Process and Systems Engineering.
I love playing soccer, listening to music (Alternative rock) and watching movies (Crime Dramas). My favourite websites are,,, and
I jus love playing soccer, it is a sport that requires lots of teamwork and communication.
Here is a link to find out more about soccer: